Monday 27 October 2008

where a small hole became a big problem. Main house roof crumpling in... Mid October, Paulo standing on the wee back terrace, which we'd cleared a few days before. Glorious sun all day, it has to be said. Cool air, hot sun.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi MWM,

    Some small honor to be the first to leave a comment on your blog!

    Got me thinking, when we first moved in to our new house in Wales we had no idea that we would have to completely gut the place. Floors up, walls off, re wired and plumbed, new lintels and chimneys etc etc.

    The parts of my body that I have left in that building, knee and elbow joints, the skin from my knuckles, blood sweat and tears, are now all part of our family story.

    We have moved on now to the permaculture part, a big polly tunnel and fruit cage are ready to go on to the recently bulldozed terrace across the hillside, the greenhouse made from recycled double glazing is on the way up, the raised beds, horse poo just forked in are ready for their second season and best of all there are tubs of homegrown plumb crumble mix in the freezer.

    Building a happy home for the brood is not a job, it is a life and a pretty damn satisfying one at that! In the end the weariness from the hard work disappears and all that is left is the warm glow in front of the fire, with a bottle of wine of course!

    Pete B

