Thursday 25 February 2010

Ecological economics

Great talk here by long term Greenpeacer, Rex Weyler. If you have an hour, watch. Interested to know what you think

Google vids don't seem to link across. But try this link:


  1. I found out that yur accepting volunteers to reconstruct the house and sorroundings and to reinforce your ecologic project. How canI sign in? Is there a offcial form? Or do I have to do it trough the WWOOF comunnity? I'm from Lisbon, Portugal. And Me (Ana by the way) and a friend (Eduardo) were pretty impressive and willing to participate in such a project. What are the conditions? We think we can help. We are just finnishing our graduations in Economics in NOVA University (Lisbon) and would like to extend, somehow, our economic aproach to new different more sustainable ways of living/being in this big-fat-demanding planet. My email is:, i hope to 'read' your soon!

    Thank you FOR NOW. And congratulations for the project, it is good to have people thinking and talking, but those who materialize are much effective...and fun!

    (Sorry the incorrect spelled words i'm portugese and writing the correct english is still a learning process!)

  2. Ey ey,

    Thats a jolly uplifting vid you posted there...NOT!

    Good to hear/read of your progressions and transitions.

    Anyway, still snowing here, but seeing as I DON"T OWN A CAR, I can't access the slopes so no ski ing today.

    Plenty more distractions though...but ye'll have to read my blog tae find oot aboot that!

  3. Magnus - great post - sounds like you're learning and having fun. Have bought the book and just had this through from AECB which I thought you might like

